Poolstead Labradors
Robert Hepworth
Fernhill Farm, Birtles, Macclesfield, Cheshire

copyright © Katja Sjöberg
photos taken 1989 and 2000-2002

In memory of Didi Hepworth and for those
interested in the Poolstead Labradors.


Bob's 90th Birthday present from his
daughter Sarah Hutton

Dear Katja
As promised I attach a copy of the picture we have had done of Puffin to give to my father for his 90th Birthday.
The head shot is Puffin as a 13 years old boy and of course the one of him standing is of him as a young man and as you will appreciate the photograph that you so kindly took of him has been used as the reference.
Love Sarah

Life at Fernhill ... those days

Welcome to Fernhill Farm ...

The beautiful garden

The manor house - view from the garden

Dog runs at the courtyard

The Poolstead gang

The oldies having fun in the garden

The house dogs waiting for titbits from Nick

Poolstead Pre-Eminent 'Soames' close to the camera.

Poolstead Polly's Secret with puppies - one day old

Bob with one of his precious cats

Didi with some very curious youngsters

Nick with a Poolstead bunch


Cruft's 1989
Judge (dogs): Mrs E B Lamming

GBShCh Poolstead Pipe Smoker

Didi with Poolstead Pipe Smoker
- 3rd in Graduate Dog

Later on 'Smokey' got his title
English Show Champion.

GBShCh Poolstead Publican

Didi with Poolstead Publican
- 1st in Special Yearling Dog


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